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Controlled exploitation

Greece should not stop developing its tourism sector, but the rules concerning the protection of the country's natural and cultural resources must be respected and upheld.

Accomplishing this combination of exploitation with rules can be achieved faster and more efficiently if we employ new technologies. 

Europe’s radical right and the upcoming elections

Alexandra Voudouri, Kathimerini's Brussels correspondent, joins Thanos Davelis to look at the rise of the far right, how radical-right forces are already influencing European policies, and what it means for the future direction of Europe.

A Peanut and Farlie campaign

The most recent survey by Dianeosis on "What Greeks believe" includes the question: What do you think Greece will look like in 10 years' time? More than half of the respondents said they think the country will have a lot more immigrants and that citizens will be more tolerant of diversity.